Request for the installation of a home charger


 * Attention : la longueur réelle se calcule en longeant les murs, et non à vol d'oiseau :

Pour savoir si votre installation photovoltaïque est en monophasé ou en triphasé, il vous suffit de regarder dans votre armoire électrique combien il y a de disjoncteurs pour vos PV. S'il y en a plus de 2, vous êtes en triphasé.


 *  More information about how you can check your electrical connection and your amperage on: this website : Any doubt? Contact your electricity distribution network manager (FLUVIUS, ORES, RESA, REW, AIEG, AIESH, SIBELGA).

Mandatory in order to make the technical documents as preparation of the installation of your charging station.
Mandatory in order to make the technical documents as preparation of the installation of your charging station.
Mandatory in order to make the technical documents as preparation of the installation of your charging station.
Mandatory in order to make the technical documents as preparation of the installation of your charging station.
Mandatory in order to make the technical documents as preparation of the installation of your charging station.